
The Lighthouse

Hello and welcome to The Lighthouse!
Class Teachers: Miss Procter and Miss Johnson
Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Miss Richards
Learning Support Assistants: Ms Buglass, Miss Kerry and Miss Wilson
Both of our Lighthouse teachers; Miss Procter and Miss Johnson, regularly teach all of the children across The Lighthouse setting.
Thank you for visiting our class page. Here you will find key information about our learning, our newsletters and some photos showing what we have been busy doing. 
Key Information
Start of the day: The gates will be open between 8.45am and 9am for your child to be dropped off at the gate. 
End of the day: Please collect your child from our Lighthouse door at 3pm
In the Lighthouse, we do P.E. on a Thursday. Please can you ensure your child has a named P.E. kit to leave in school so we can practise getting dressed/ changed independently. These kits will be sent home every half term to be washed. 
 Communication between school and home is important to make sure we know about any difficulties and/or successes for your child so we can support them and their needs appropriately. No one knows your child better than yourselves so please keep us up to date with any changes in interests, eating habits, toileting, medication/ medical needs and anything else that you think is important for us to know. 
A member of the Lighthouse staff will always be available to talk at the beginning and the end of the day to discuss anything important for that day and please feel free to email with additional enquiries: admin@seatonsluicefirst.co.uk or to Miss Procter: sophie.procter@seatonsluicefirst.co.uk
If your child is absent from school please ring the school office 0191 237 1839. 
Toileting, Changes of Clothes and Messy Play:
Please could all children bring in a change of clothes including underwear, socks, trousers/ leggings and a t shirt/ polo shirt which can be stored in their locker in school. This is not just for toileting accidents but also for messy/ water play. It would also be great if your child could bring in a pair of wellies to store in school too as the school field can become quite muddy. If your child wears nappies, please could you send some nappies and wipes into school.
Stay and Play Sessions and SEN Coffee Afternoons: 
Every term there will be a Stay and Play session and a SEN coffee afternoon. These events offer a good opportunity for parents and carers to come into school and spend time within their child's learning environment and also give an opportunity for parents and carers to socialise with each other, spend time talking to members of staff and allow the opportunity to talk to relevant outside agencies in an informal capacity. 
The first SEN coffee afternoon will take place on: Thursday 24th October at 2pm. 
The first Stay and Play session will take place on: 

The children in The Lighthouse receive tailored support and interventions. During the day, the children take part in a combination of teaching sessions, small group adult led sessions, 1:1 learning activities and periods of child-initiated time where they are supported by staff to develop play skills and enhance their learning.


 Each child has specific learning needs, goals and strategies for support. These plans are personalised and address the children's strengths and challenges.

The Lighthouse children follow a bespoke curriculum, which has been adapted to suit the needs of the children within our base. Extra opportunities for real life learning are built into the curriculum and individual targets are worked towards from the children’s Education, Health and Care Plans. Where appropriate, children in the Lighthouse have regular opportunities to interact with and learn alongside their peers within a mainstream class.


We receive regular support and advice from an Occupational Therapist and from a Speech and Language Therapist.


In the Lighthouse, we aim to create an environment which is caring, nurturing and supportive. We strive to develop the children’s confidence and independence and we love celebrating every small step of success and progress.