

Statement of Intent

We love SCIENCE! 

At Seaton Sluice First School, we encourage and develop curiosity in science. We want our children to learn about and explore the world around them, while gaining an in-depth understanding of how things work. We aim to deliver a broad and exciting science curriculum that amazes and fascinates pupils. We aim to show our children that there is no limit to the possibilities ahead of them; that they could become engineers, astronauts, microbiologists or epidemiologists! We want to teach them that many of the most remarkable scientists from our past and present were once school children like themselves and that they really can achieve their dreams. We aim to make science lessons as practical, hands-on and interactive as possible so that our children may develop a real love for science. 

Our science curriculum is planned in such a way that children can build upon their scientific reasoning and questioning skills each year and develop a deep and meaningful understanding of the fascinating world in which they live. 


Science Implementation

Each year group covers the science topics outlined in the National Curriculum. Each topic is taught over a half term so that children can gain a deep understanding of new concepts, vocabulary and content. Teachers ensure that learning is revisited throughout the school year so that knowledge is retained. 

Science teaching always enables children to work scientifically. Units to work will enable children to develop their skills in the following areas: 


  • Asking questions

  • Making predictions

  • Setting up tests

  • Observing and measuring

  • Recording data

  • Interpreting and communicating results

  • Evaluating

These key skills are displayed in every classroom, presented as symbols and referred to throughout the learning. We enrich our science curriculum through theme days, the celebration of British Science Week, whole school investigations, visitors who work in STEM jobs (Science, technology, engineering, mathematics), and workshops. 

Teachers have high expectations in terms of what children can learn and do. We encourage the use of scientific vocabulary, high-level questioning, accurate recording of results and finding links between different areas of science. 

Science in Early Years
In Nursery and Reception, children are taught science through the ‘Understanding the World’ area of the curriculum. Through a broad range of child-initiated and teacher led activities, children will learn 
  • Use their senses to investigate a range of objects and materials. 

  • Find out about, identify and observe the different features of living things, objects and worldly events. 

  • Look closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change. 

  • Ask questions about why things happen and why things work. 

  • Develop their communication and cooperation skills. 

  • Talk about their findings, sometimes recording them. 

  • Identify and find out about features of the place they live and in the natural world around them.

Science Impact

At Seaton Sluice First School we use ongoing assessments and observations to ensure that our science curriculum is impactful and results in our children meeting age related expectations in this area. This is achieved through planned teacher assessments, evidence of understanding through the pupils’ work and providing regular, ongoing opportunities to talk about their learning. This allows them to demonstrate what they are able to remember and how they can apply this knowledge with increasing confidence. We have enthusiastic and ambitious children who enjoy the challenges and excitement of science. The impact of our well-planned and engaging curriculum will be that children retain information and vocabulary over time and can make connections between previous and new learning. We want our pupils to become keen scientists and enjoy learning about the world around them.