
Engaging parents and carers in home reading

School and home working hand in hand to achieve the very best outcomes
At Seaton Sluice First School, we want our pupils to have the very best opportunities and chances to achieve fantastic outcomes! Reading is good for everyone; it opens new doors of knowledge that enlightens our minds. 
We love working in partnership with parents and carers and very much look forward to helping your child become a fluent, enthusiastic reader. 
At Seaton Sluice First School, we follow the 'Little Wandle' phonics programme. This begins in Nursery and builds systematically as the children move through the school. We will provide your child with a balance of exciting books both in and out of school. This will include:
  • a reading practice book to celebrate their success! This will be matched perfectly to their current phonic stage so they will be able to read the book independently. It is school's role to teach reading. However, the parent and carer's role is vital: helping your child practise to develop their confidence and fluency day by day. As you listen with interest, encourage them and praise them you will be enthusiastically acknowledging their fantastic achievements. 
  • a 'sharing book'. If your child is to become a lifelong reader. it is essential that they are encouraged to read for pleasure. To help foster a love of reading, children will bring a book home that should be read to them by an adult. These books offer a wealth of opportunities for enjoying the story and talking about the plot, characters, the features of the book and generate further interest and knowledge of the world. It is good to talk about the book but the goal is simply to enjoy reading it together!
  • Home reading diary. This diary will be easy for you to complete. It is an important link between home and school. Your comments can tell us about the books your child has been reading: both their reading book and their 'sharing' book. Your comments should be as positive as possible. 
You will have the opportunity to attend parent workshops during Reception and Year 1. Please remember that we are available to discuss reading with you at any point. Reading is a top school priority!